Klapheck, Konrad

Vergessene Helden (Forgotten Heroes), 1965

Oil on canvas
72 x 80 cm

Acquired in 1979

Donated by the Friends of the Kunstsammlung in 1979 © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn

The visual power of this small painting is extraordinary: The seemingly endless row of niches, set diagonally to the picture plane and partially cut off, is reminiscent of the wall of a columbarium. Are the titular “Forgotten Heroes” laid to rest here? The hybrid forms—busts or urns—placed in the niches, as well as the small shimmering forms with their soft outlines presented on some of these, underscore this impression. With sharp precision and intense colorfulness, Konrad Klapheck creates real scenarios, often with a touch of the oppressive or the fantastic.