Ana Torfs. Album/Tracks A

27.02.2010 — 18.7.2010

  • Figure A, Ana Torfs, 2002 © Ana Torfs

Representation and visualisation, reality and fiction form the cornerstones of Ana Torfs’ installations which consist of projected images and texts. In precisely choreographed audio-visual constellations Torfs brings to life literary, historical and political material. With five large-format slide projections, several photo series, and a song project for the Internet, K21 Ständehaus presents the first museum-based overview of the work of Belgian artist Ana Torfs (born 1963, lives and works in Brussels).

This exhibition was organized in cooperation with the Generali Foundation, Vienna. It will be shown there from 3 September to 12 December 2010 with a different selection of works. The shows in Düsseldorf and Vienna complement one another and offer a complete overview of Ana Torfs’ work to the present day.