The exhibition provides an overview of the work of the artist and musician Carsten Nicolai, who has been working at the interface of visual art, music, and science since the early 1990s.
As a musician under the pseudonym Alva Noto, Nicolai is one of the best-known representatives of contemporary electronic music of his generation. Since his participation in documenta X (1997), his visual artworks have also been exhibited worldwide. Using electronic sound and light, Nicolai creates minimalist installations, sound performances, and visualizations of physical phenomena that reflect systems and structures of the media world. In K21, Nicolai will organize the expansive space on the lower floor as an open, dually laid out set for the presentation of roughly forty multimedia works, many of which are designed for interaction.
Carsten Nicolai (*1965 in Karl-Marx-Stadt, now Chemnitz) lives and works in Berlin.
Katalog Carsten Nicolai
Ein vom Künstler gestalteter Katalog mit zahlreichen Abbildungen und aktuellen Installationsaufnahmen von Julija Stankevičienė ist erschienen.
Mit einer Einführung von Susanne Gaensheimer, Beiträgen von Kathrin Dreckmann, Doris Krystof, Verena Meis, Linda Walther und einem Wiederabdruck des Prosatexts “Ur-Geräusch” (1919) von Rainer Maria Rilke.
160 Seiten, Spector Books, 35 €