For the second time, the Kunstsammlung at K21 is featuring current works by graduates of the Düsseldorf Art Academy. All 77 participating artists completed their studies in 2019 and now, roughly one year later, are presenting new works of art in a museum. The exhibition reveals the young artists’ preoccupation with the topics of our time and brings together works from the entire spectrum of artistic media: paintings, sculptures, installations, photographs, prints, videos, and performances.
The exhibition’s title is borrowed from the world of cinema, i.e. the convention in film credits of listing the participating actor in order of appearance. Accordingly, the exhibition is based on a non-hierarchical principle: all of the past year’s graduates have been invited to propose new pieces for the presentation. The resultant works – all selected by a curatorial team of the Kunstsammlung in close collaboration with the artists – will occupy the entire lower level of the K21.
With this, the cooperation between the Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen and the Düsseldorf Art Academy enters its second round. With this annual exhibition series, the Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen promotes young art and provides a platform for graduates of the academy. The exhibition provides insight into current artistic developments in
With works by
Laura Aberham, Jonathan Auth, Eliza Ballesteros, Yukie Laurentia Beheim, Joscha Bender, Marco Biermann and Tomas Kleiner, Katharina Bloch, Marina Bochert, Kai Borsutzky, Louisa Brüseke, Jana Buch, Vanessa Castra, Catherina Cramer, Xheni Çuni, Sibylle Czichon, Zoe Dittrich-Wamser, Kathrin Edwards, Bradley Emerson, Hakan Eren, Lisa-Maria Feike, Thimo Franke, Yutao Gao, Teye Gerbracht, Lukas Goersmeyer, Yijie Gong, Nicholas Grafia, Manuel Gröger, Kaori Hiraiwa, Paulina Hoffmann, Soonho Jeong, Andreas Jonak, Kaiso, Eun Kyung Kim, Sarah Kirschnick, Lisa Klinger, Konstitutiv der Möglichkeiten, Hanna Körner, Annette Kössler, Lukrezia Krämer, Moritz Krauth, Jana Kurashvili, Aylin Leclaire, Eunhwa Lee, Lotte Joseph Agnes Leerschool, Janis Löhrer, Jake Madel, Gloria Manzanares Romero, Neal McKee, Oliver Meier, Mikkel Møller Pedersen, Anna Christina Nendza, Anja Neumann, Filiz Özcelik, Maximilian Klemens Sänger, Rosa Sarholz, Hedda Schattanik und Roman Szczesny, Kai Werner Schmidt, Jan Luka Schmitz, Paul Schuseil, Lisa Seidel, Maya Shirakawa, Albrecht Maximilian Siegenbruk, Christina Steffans, Arjan Stockhausen, Sabrina Straub, Marie Sturm, Levente Szücs, Hiroki Tanaka, Fivos Theodosakis, Tadashi Toyama, Robin Weuste, Eilza Wiszniewska, Samira Witt, Jana Zatvarnická, Yiy Zhang, Vera Zlatic.
Gefördert durch:
K20K21 – Der Podcast der Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen (German language)
Die Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen zeigt eine einzigartige Auswahl herausragender Kunstwerke des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts. Doch was steckt hinter dem, was die Besucherinnen und Besucher in den beiden Häusern sehen können? Der neue Podcast nimmt sich jeweils eine der aktuellen Ausstellungen vor: „K20K21“ besucht den musealen Raum, trifft Beteiligte und spricht mit Künstlerinnen und Künstlern über die Inspiration für ihre Arbeit.
The exhibition “In order of appearance” at K21 takes place parallel to the tour of the Düsseldorf Art Academy (5 to 9/2/2020).
Reaching us
Ständehausstrasse 1
40217 Düsseldorf
Bus stop:
Opening hours
Tuesday – Sunday, public holiday
11 am – 6 pm
Visitor’s service
Registration and information
Tel +49 (0) 211 8381-204