Pablo Picasso. The War Years 1939 — 1945

Feb 15 — July 26, 2020

Tickets and time slots

  • Pablo Picasso, Still Life with Steers Skull, 1942, Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf, ©Succession Picasso / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2020
  • Robert Capa, Photos prises dans l'atelier de Picasso, rue des Grands Augustins, 1944
  • Pablo Picasso, Nature morte à la tête de mort, poireau et cruche devant la fenêtre, 1945, Privatsammlung, ©Succession Picasso / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2020
  • Pablo Picasso, Pigeon, 4.12.1942, China ink, washouts and gouache on handmade paper, 64,8 × 46 cm, Musée national Picasso-Paris, © Succession Picasso / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2020, Foto: ©bpk -Kunst, Bonn 2020, Foto: ©bpk / RMN - Grand Palais / Michèle Bellot
  • Pablo Picasso, Seated Woman, 1941, Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, © Succession Picasso / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2020

“I have not painted the war because I am not the kind of a painter who goes out like a photographer for something to depict. But I have no doubt that the war is in these paintings I have done.” Picasso, 1944

The exhibition “Pablo Picasso. The War Years 1939 – 1945” provides insight into the artist’s work during the Second World War. Paintings, sculptures, drawings, and documents from the years 1939 to 1945 tell of Picasso the man and the contradictions of everyday life during these times.

Picasso fled from Paris to southern France immediately before the outbreak of the war on September 3, 1939 but returned to the German-occupied capital in August 1940. He remained in his Parisian studio. After the liberation of the city by the Allie Forces in August 1944, he was celebrated as a survivor. With his works, Pablo Picasso (1881 – 1973) reacted to the threats of time, to death and destruction. He did not, however, focus primarily on the theme of war, but rather on the classical genres of painting. He created multifaceted still lifes, portraits and nudes, often with motifs from his private surroundings.

An exhibition organised by the Musée de Grenoble in coproduction with the Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf. The exhibition is organised in collaboration with the Musée national Picasso-Paris. The project is being presented under the patronage of Minister President Armin Laschet, the Federal Republic of Germany’s Authorized Representative for Cultural Relations with France.

  • The exhibition is supported by

  • Media Partner

  • The Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen is supported by

Installation views

  • Pablo Picasso. Kriegsjahre 1939 bis 1945, Ausstelllungsansichten K20, Foto: Achim Kukulies
  • Pablo Picasso. Kriegsjahre 1939 bis 1945, Ausstelllungsansichten K20, Foto: Achim Kukulies
  • Pablo Picasso. Kriegsjahre 1939 bis 1945, Ausstelllungsansichten K20, Foto: Achim Kukulies
  • Pablo Picasso. Kriegsjahre 1939 bis 1945, Ausstelllungsansichten K20, Foto: Achim Kukulies
  • Pablo Picasso. Kriegsjahre 1939 bis 1945, Ausstelllungsansichten K20, Foto: Achim Kukulies
  • Pablo Picasso. Kriegsjahre 1939 bis 1945, Ausstelllungsansichten K20, Foto: Achim Kukulies
  • Digital Guide of the exhibition



Pablo Picasso. The War Years 1939 — 1945

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Your Visit

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Grabbeplatz 5
40213 Düsseldorf

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Opening hours

Tuesday – Sunday, public holiday
11 am – 6 pm

Visitor’s service
Registration and information
Tel +49 (0) 211 8381-204

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