Education Partners
Fliedner Fachhochschule Düsseldorf

In cooperation with the Fliedner Fachhochschule Düsseldorf/University of Applied Sciences, the Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalenposes the question of the quality of pedagogical interactions in art education: According to which quality standards are pedagogical interactions designed? Are they, i.e., pedagogical approaches, ideas about visitors’ expectations, institutional framework conditions, pragmatic aspects?
The project focuses on pedagogical work in the “Small Studio” of the Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen. The project, which is divided into several phases, attempts to track down, locate and discuss the orientations of the pedagogical specialists. With the help of students, the pedagogical offers are observed and analyzed with regard to the orientations. Finally, these observations are considered and discussed together in order to reflect on the patterns of orientation formulated theoretically at the beginning in the light of pedagogical practice.The aim is to look at options for orientation, to make one's own normative orientations transparent and to practice art mediation in the Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen in a (self-)reflected manner. In this way, the project partners also aim to further develop the subject.
Diakonie Düsseldorf

With the signing of a cooperation contract between the Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen and the Diakonie Düsseldorf (Deaconry Düsseldorf) in summer of 2013, the long-standing and trusting collaboration between the two institutions was broadened and intensified.
Our shared objective is to allow individuals from the most diverse social backgrounds to familiarize themselves with modern and contemporary art, while becoming acquainted with and learning to value the museum as a place of learning, creativity, and sensuous experience.
„Denkwerkstatt Museum“

Beginning in winter semester of 2010/2011, a number of pupils him of different ages from the introductory stage of the gymnasialen Oberstufe (senior classes) from Dortmund, Solingen, and Recklinghausen have participated in the project Denkwerkstatt Museum/Think Tank Museum at the Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen. Together with students from the TU Dortmund, they explore the museum as a site of negotiation for art, cultural memory, and contemporary reality.
In the permanent collection of the K20, pupils meet with student “image ambassadors,” view paintings and sculptures together, and familiarize themselves with the art of the 20th century. They pose questions about the objects, discuss various modes of perception and interpretive approaches, and link the scholarly theses of the “image ambassadors” to the experiences of their own lived reality, and to overarching societal discourses.
Through this project, future instructors and students from the Dortmund master’s program in cultural analysis and cultural intermediation test out their approaches to the development of specialist knowledge, its verbalization, and strategies for conveying content to listeners. As potential future students, pupils on the other hand not only familiarize themselves with approaches to original works of art, but also with the methods and styles of thought practiced by advanced students, and hence with approaches to scholarly topics at the university level. Published in winter semester of 2014/2015 as a project of the Dortmund master’s program in cultural analysis and cultural intermediation was the book Denkwerkstatt Museum, edited by Niklas Gliesmann and Barbara Welzel.
Kulturliste Düsseldorf

The Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen is a partner of Kulturliste Düsseldorf.
The goal of the Kulturliste is to facilitate improved participation in cultural life on the part of Düsseldorf citizens with limited incomes. In conjunction with numerous cultural partners, they open the doors to the art and cultural institutions of the city of Düsseldorf, offering a wide-ranging menu of offerings to interested individuals free of charge.
For workshops for children and young people, the Kunstsammlung reserves a quota of tickets which are offered free of charge to guests who have registered with the Kulturliste. To take advantage of these offerings, please register with the Kulturliste und provide verification of financial need. You will then be registered as a Culture Guest.